Friday, July 04, 2008
Day 4: The Great Reality

Take some time to read & reflect on what these sentences from today's passage mean:

"True ‘fasting,’ therefore, is abstaining from things that divide the Church and destroy community — spiritual pride, self conceit, disunity, infighting, oppression, injustice, exploitation, intimidation."

"True ‘fasting’ is doing those things that build community, and helping those who cannot help themselves — feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, don’t sidestep those who are hoping for your help, especially your kin."

"...true worship and social justice are two sides of the same coin. It’s about right relationship with God, and right action toward others."

"John Kirvan in God Hunger says: Solitude and silence may be the meat and potatoes of our prayer lives, but they are empty of nourishment when separated from service of our brothers and sisters."

We do not live is solitude. In fact, we spent 99.99999.......% of our times with people around us. Why not do something special for the people around us, simply but putting them in your thoughts & see what you can do for them? This is especially so for those in need. Pray for God to show, in a tangible manner, who we can help.

God, grant us discernment. Amen.

On 12:28 pm, Cheryl lays it all at the feet of Jesus.