Thursday, February 28, 2008
Caught in the middle... again!

Yes, that's how I would describe how I feel.

Recently he started talking to me again... Ya.. & I have no idea how come. It seems like he wanted to tell me something, yet at the same time I think I'm reading too much into it.

Each time he talked to me, it just made me smile. Then again, I'm trying not to talk much? I don't know. He apologised for not reply certain messages as he don't know how to. I appreciate the fact that he thought about it... & it, somehow, haunted him 'til the moment he apologised (I don't know about now).

He tends to be very loud & noisy, but I'm glad to see the inner side of him, something which not all will see it I believe. The sensible side I guess.. the very realistic one too. I think generally, people will think he's just a joker. But I do see a leader in him, somehow... I don't know why.

Anyway, I'm stuck. Stuck in my rationale & emotions again. I'm waiting for the day when they can be in unison. Most of the time he's on my mind. And like time & time again, I want to pull myself out of this reality I'm in but he came back again (talking to me). Then, he'll disappear & the loud silence will set in.

Waiting for the day I get myself untangled.

On 5:58 pm, Cheryl lays it all at the feet of Jesus.