Saturday, August 11, 2007
Refreshed by God at YAM Retreat

This year, our YAM retreat theme is 'Fishers Of Men'. All of us had a great time! I think Lindy & Qian Min will agree with me that the boat ride back to Tanjung Leman was the best ride. Hehe... Despite me drinking much salty sea water.

During the listening prayer especially, God revealed a lot of things to each of us. To me, He revealed:

  1. God's creation is always unique & beautiful, & that includes you & me.

  2. Like water flowing in the ocean, God's love never stops flowing. See how endless the ocean is? That's how far God's love is...

  3. When I was looking at the schools of fishes, God showed me how big & humongous, how transcendent God is, & how small we are. Hence, He knows us best as He sees the situation in a bigger picture than we do. So trust God & fear not!

  4. And because God is transcendent, we need to be God-conscious at all times. Sometimes we think that because we are in deep trouble & God did not answer our prayers, He is not there. No! In fact, He is with us 24/7. He is everywhere we are & He will always bring us through the storm. Our problems are nothing as compared to our mega-humongous God!

  5. While worshipping God, God revealed that my life is all about Him; that I need to be more Christ-like, reflecting His glory in everything I do, loving & be patient with others. Eugenia Price said, "Once I worked at whipping up a feeling I could call "worship." No more. I have lived consciously in his presence long enough to know him, to recognize his pressure on my hear and mind. We've been together long enough so that fixing supper, changing the ribbon in my typewriter, and riding a bike around my shell road have become almost sacramental. This does not indicate my "holiness." It indicates his--his holiness and his drawing power for my heart or for yours." Yes, being more Christ-like isn't because we want to receive praises from others, but that others may see Jesus Christ in our lives.
  6. I saw this litter floating in the ocean. But I don't see it as litter. That's how God sees us. We think we are useless & unwanted. But God loves us more than anything & He has a mega plan for everyone of us who loves Him. Also, the litter reminded me of being where God wants me to be. As it floats & follow the flow of the ocean, it struggles not but goes where the ocean & breeze sweeps it to.
  7. Lastly, I prayed for a friend & Encik Abu Bakar & his family, & declaring the Declaration of Confidence on behalf of YAMmers, the island--Pulau Tinggi & Encik Abu Bakar & his family.

There are lots more stuff that happened during the retreat, which you can read about it at our YAM blog in a few days' time.

And our YAM retreat t-shirt's finally arrived!

On 8:35 pm, Cheryl lays it all at the feet of Jesus.