Wednesday, June 27, 2007
What is Sabbath, really?

Sabbath is a time of rest which God created for man, & not, man being created for Sabbath (see Mark 2:27). During Sabbath, we are to rest from the hectics we've been through the past 6 days. We are to be refreshed in God's presence, rejoicing & thanking God for how He's brought us through the 6 days. That is the main purpose of Sabbath.

Some people says Sabbath is on Sunday, some say Saturday. What about those people working on Saturdays & Sundays? Those serving in ministries are 'at work' on Sundays? When, then, is their Sabbath?

Sabbath should be a time where we put aside for God to enrich ourselves spiritually & for the resting of our physical bodies. Hence for example, pastors & full-time ministerial staffs' rest day (Sabbath) are on Mondays. Is it wrong, in that sense? I believe as long as we put a day to rest & spend time with God, God will be most delighted.

One of the gifts God gave is time. How are we maximising our time that it will be fruitful? Are we making use of the 6 days well that on the 7th day, we are proud to present our thanksgiving to God, showing to Him we are good stewards with what He's given us?

Hence, how we spend our everyday is important. It is reflected during our Sabbath.

That's all I have to say. Thank God for Biblical Worship class, which allows me to see things in another angle I've never seen before.

Lord, may You continue to reveal Yourself in everything I do daily. May You have Your way. In Jesus's name. Amen.

On 1:23 pm, Cheryl lays it all at the feet of Jesus.