Friday, March 15, 2013
Love multiplies itself

Journaling these devotions down make me internalise the message. Hence, although it is really tough to update it as soon as I read it, I'll try my best to do it nevertheless.

Today's key verse is from Ecclesiastes 4:9 & 12, "Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labour... Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken." 

The author gave a very good illustration on how the power of two becoming one (a term I would like to call it) applies in our lives. He said that "a person hopping on one leg cannot get very far, very fast. But two legs joining together become the action of running - making you fasting and taking you farther. Two wings don't merely create balance; they enable the other to fly." Isn't it amazing how the power of two becoming one can be? In marriage, "a husband and wife working together offer a solid defence for their families against the influence of a godless culture.. By uniting in His name and agreeing in prayer, their intercession goes to another level.  That's when one united with one has one." How powerful, how awesome.

Often, we belittle what we as a couple can do. In fact, when conflict arises, we do not even have faith to turn to God and to our spouse, and bow our heads in prayer. We are so prone to looking for our own solutions. 

After today's reading, my prayer for my husband and I, and everyone who is reading this entry, is that we will remember the power of two becoming one. This power doesn't add; it multiplies and runs crazy like wildfire (of course, with God's help). ;)


On 6:12 pm, Cheryl lays it all at the feet of Jesus.