Thursday, March 14, 2013
Love extends help
The reference passage for today is Genesis 2:18: "And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him." "Marriage is one of God's unique ways of showing both men and women that we're not all-sufficient in ourselves. We need our spouse and cannot fulfil God's plans for us without their help."Reading this sentence makes me ponder, what does God want us to fulfil as a couple? I believe at different stages of our marriage, there will be different obstacles we have to complete together, and we can only complete that race and win the prize if we work together. My prayer for my husband and I is, to learn and grow together in the Lord, to be self-giving and love God and the other more than ourselves. It is only when I'm selfless then would I be able to stretch out my hand and reach out to the Help I need.
Together with the lessons for the past two days, I would sum it up with today's and call it "The Purpose of Marriage". Love offers companionship; love brings completeness; love extends help: the passages from these chapters tell us that God created man and woman to be one so that we will not be alone, and we need each other to fulfil the duty God has for us as a couple. How beautiful!
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