Saturday, May 16, 2009
Let go and let God

I had lunch with a colleague this Thursday & she was sharing with us how her then-boyfriend was not a Christian, how both of them let go & how she let God take control. Now her husband, he was converted when he 'met God' during an overseas trip.

Isn't that awesome? Yes but I think the root problem is, are we willing to let go & let God? I don't mean relationship alone, but every other areas such as family, work & church. Sometimes we confess with our lips but our action & thoughts are otherwise; we know what to do but we just didn't manage to convince ourselves to do so. Is this what we call 'little faith'?

Just a few days' ago, as I was doing my devotion, I'm thankful God spoke at the time when I needed Him most: "Everything that God did in your life was designed to draw you up to your full height spiritually," mentioned by Selwyn Hughes' Every Day with Jesus May-June issue.

I'm thankful that God always reaches out His hands whenever I cry out to Him. Although His words said, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything," it is "by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.", that we draw ourselves close to God (Phil. 4:6).

I guess in order to 'direct' ourselves back to God; to depend & be sensitive to Him in all that we do, we have to realign our focus. Easier said than done, I know. But if we don't step out of the boat, we will never know if we can walk on water. :) That is faith.

Lord, You see all our needs, all our worries, all our desires and all our dreams. We want to lay them all down at Your feet. We want to let go & let You take over. This is not going to be easy but, Lord, we know that You are constantly with us to guide us through. Draw our hearts closer to You & teach us to turn to You in all that we do. In Jesus' name, Amen.

On 10:59 am, Cheryl lays it all at the feet of Jesus.