Monday, November 07, 2005
'Loving Actions Speak Clearly'... Really? Then what am I gonna do?

I was doing my morning devotion today & today's article entitled 'Loving Actions Speak Clearly' from Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer:

"It is good for the unsaved members of your family to see you studying the Bible, going to church, and bearing the fruit if the Spirit. But your family may be more receptive to the gospel if you minister to their needs. Ministering to them may require giving up a prayer meeting to do things with them, such as going fishing or shopping with your spouse, helping your son work on his car, or taking your daughter out for lunch.
The Bible says that the natural man does not understand the spiritual man (see 1 Corinthians 2:14). So spiritual talk doesn't always make sense to unsaved people, but loving actions speaks clearly to them. Walk in love's anointing today: be kind, joyful, peaceful, and stable. Let God love others through you."

I was pondering after reading if I should give up part of what I'm doing for the sake of my dad... Recently, he's been really mad & he hasn't talk to all of us for days. I'll continue praying about it. I need your help too, guys. Please pray for me & give me some advice. Thank you very much. Thank God for speaking to me about it, otherwise I didn't see the urgency.

On 5:15 pm, Cheryl lays it all at the feet of Jesus.