Friday, May 04, 2007
The great things

An update on the great things that happened in the past 36 hours (last night was too tired to do it!):

  1. Daddy agreed to let me go church during my hols! But I'm expected to only go church on Sundays when school reopens. Will continue praying for that & not give up.
  2. I finished my exams!!! Well, paper was kind of tough but God's strength is made perfect in my weakness. ;)
  3. SPH called me for a writing test! I was shocked when I received the phone call before going to school for my paper. I thought SPH have already chucked my application aside but God is just so awesome when I leave things into His hands!
  4. First lesson of music theory was good. I had fun although I was so overwhelmed with what was being taught. Thank God for it!

Amazing right? Can't describe how God can do wonders. Heehee... He never fail to put a smile on my face. =D I love You Lord!!!

On 9:18 am, Cheryl lays it all at the feet of Jesus.