Sunday, February 11, 2007
The ability to heal...
It was last year when Pastor Patrick prophesied on me on the gift to heal from inside out; from the inside first and then the outside (together with other prophesies... Do you remember, Pastor?).Today Pastor Phil Richardson affirmed God's words by similarly prophesying on the gift of healing. It was so specific that I really find it funny and contradicting due to my skin sickness. Ha! But I believe in God to heal me even as He said He will use me to heal people's organ! Can you believe it?! I really can't fathom and contain it! Tears just flowed so much when I heard God's words.
The next step I need to take is to step out in faith. It's not easy. God called me in other areas too. I need to be a good steward with what God gave me.
This year is indeed a year of breakthrough for me. "So blessed, I can't contain it. So much I got to give it away!!!"