Saturday, May 10, 2008
Speaking right from the heart
The movements out from Charis is still ongoing. And for the first time (I think?), I'm going to speak my mind out.Firstly, I see people moving out from Charis as God's means of sifting the church: People are not in the right place, so God is moving them out & putting them where they should be. For the church, God is making sure that the right people stays & continues to build the church together.
As for why people leave, there are various reasons. Just like what I mentioned, it may be God's calling to move on. Then again, not all people are spiritually-bounded. Some people feel hurt because of certain issues & out of the emotions--out of the feelings, which should not be based on--people leave. Honestly speaking, I find these people real dumb! It is really disappointing especially if the person has always been a God-seeker. These people CHOOSE to leave because they FEEL in certain (negative) ways. So disappointing! Escaping from the storm will not make you stronger in Christ! Running away will not solve the problem (thank God for teaching me that)!
Anyway, this may be a way God will use to turn into good: maybe out of this, these people will grow; I pray so!
So whatever the reason, I sincerely pray that God will bless you & may you choose to walk in God's ways, & not yours, brothers & sisters in Christ.