Monday, May 09, 2005
Jesus' looks on earth & His transformed form

I remember vividly about a news magazine article mentioning about Jesus' looks through some scientific research. They claimed that Jesus was supposed to be a round-faced, short & curly hair guy because through the research, people of that time look like that & as mentioned in the Bible, Jesus was hidden among the crowds & it was difficult to differentiate Him from His disciples.
Honestly, I strongly disagreed with the conclusion of Jesus' looks even though I agree with the biblical reasoning they have because I believe what was written in 'Heaven Is So Real' that Jesus has long centre-parting hair.
But over & over again, God cleared my doubts 2 weeks ago through Pastor's sermon. I believe that what Choo Thomas (the author of 'Heaven Is So Real') saw of Jesus is His transformed body. This is so because, as the Bible has written, we will all have a new, transformed body when we enter His kingdom.
So I can confidently conclude that the face the researchers determined was Jesus' looks on earth & what Choo Thomas saw was Jesus in His transformed form. :D Praise God for giving me wisdom!

On 12:09 pm, Cheryl lays it all at the feet of Jesus.